Ingress Protection

1st figure : protection against solid bodies 2nd figure : protection against liquids 3rd figure : mechanical protection
0 NO protection 0 NO protection 0 NO protection
1 Protected against solid bodies larger than 50 mm (eg.: accidental contact with the hand) 1 Protected against vertically - falling drops of water (condensation) 1 Impact energy 0.225 joule
2 Protected against solid bodies larger than 12 mm (eg.: finger of the hand) 2 Protected against drops of water falling up to 15o from the vertical (condensation) 2 Impact energy 0.375 joule
3 Protected against solid bodies larger than 2.5 mm (eg.: tools, wires) 3 Protected against drops of rain water upto 60 o from the vertical 3 Impact energy 0.500 joule
4 Protected against solid bodies larger than 1 mm (fine toos and small wires) 4 Protected against projections of water from al direction 4 Impact energy 2.00 joule
5 Protected against dust (no harmful deposit) 5 Protected against jets of water from all direction 5 Impact energy 6.00 joules
6 Completely Protected against dust 6 Protected against jets of water of similar force to heavy seas/td> 6 Impact energy 20.00 joules
Above contents are for reference only. In case of any further assistance or clarification, relevant Indian standard may be referred or contact us. 7 Protected against the effects of immersion
8 Protected against prolonged effects of immersion under pressure